I Advocate for Unbreakable Encryption

I quote in part Chuck Joiner here .....
If you answer “No” to even one of these questions, then you need to advocate for unbreakable encryption:
Are you comfortable with a Barack Obama-led administration having access to your information?
Are you comfortable with a Donald Trump-led administration having access to your information?
Are you comfortable with a Hillary Clinton-led administration having access to your information?
Are you comfortable with a Ted Cruz-led administration having access to your information?
Are you comfortable with a Bernie Sanders-led administration having access to your information?
Are you comfortable with a Ben Carson-led administration having access to your information?
Are you comfortable with a Marco Rubio-led administration having access to your information?
Are you comfortable with a Vladimir Putin-led country having access to your information?
Are you comfortable with China having access to your information?
Are you comfortable with North Korea having access to your information?
Are you comfortable with the Vatican having access to your information?
Are you comfortable with the Democratic Party having access to your information?
Are you comfortable with the Republican Party having access to your information?
Are you comfortable with the CIA having access to your information?
Are you comfortable with the FBI having access to your information?
Are you comfortable with the NSA having access to your information?
Are you comfortable with ISIS having access to your information?
Are you comfortable with Al Quada having access to your information?
Are you comfortable with (insert the name of your favorite politician or most-trusted entity) having access to your information?
Are you comfortable with (insert the name of your least favorite politician or least-trusted entity) having access to your information?
Don't forget: Administrations change, no matter what political entity we are talking about, and the encryption keys go with that change.

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