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America just might get it's balls back!

The TN Department of Homeland Security, in conjunction

So maybe now will get rid of this political correctness PC BS 💩 that's been in power for the last 30 plus years.

Just maybe Americans Will Now be known to have balls again. 💪💪🏻💪🏼💪🏽💪🏿

To quote bellow ......

To find out, I called Janet Roberts, 69, a nurse in Bellville, Ohio, who participated in last week’s Bloomberg Politics poll and supported Trump ("He has the balls to stand up to the career politicians"). She had agreed to give me her reaction immediately after.

Trump rants and raves in language that upsets and scandalizes the establishment. In return, his fans annoy the elite know-it-alls by rallying to him anyway. Together, they raise a big middle finger to everyone. That’s the art of the deal.

Joshua Green is a contributor to Bloomberg Politics.

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