How it was over the years:

- The 40's.
They Came. Recovery near Roswell, NM of extra-terrestrial life forms. Of course this was the typical government cover-up.
- The 50's.
America was Great. Long live Rock 'N' Roll, Elvis lives down the road and is an old fart just like me. Poke ya with them car fins.
- The 60's.
Pope runs the country. with JFK, the original Hippies, not the copy cats we have today. We mooned the world along with Women's Lib, Did I see you at Woodstock? More Power, Muscle Cars!
- The 70's.
Nixon voted for him, no one else did when asked. He did get over 60% of the popular vote. Made money on his statments as I did just the opposite of what he said. Shame you can't trust the words of those in power to day, WishWash.
- The 80's.
Politically Correct I missed that Memo. Lets not hurt someone's feelings, Let us raise a bunch of Wimps, we did and we're paying the price. When will Ronald Reagan be on Mount Rushmore?
- The 90's.
Greed was Good What's this WWW?
- The 00's.
HotAir Green this Green that.
- The 10's.
12 21 2012 We only have four years left (Now Days Left) to find BigFoot, before the END comes. Note: “If the world comes to an end, I want to be in Cincinnati. Everything there comes ten years later.” Frequently attributed to 176-year-old Mark Twain, this quote encapsulates how the city was viewed in the 19th century.
self opinionated,

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