It's just like a gun - Ban High Heel Shoes

CSI already had an episode about high heeled shoes as a murder weapon.
"Well, just so you know, the extremely high hooker heels can be used very effectively as a weapon. I saw a couple of girl's fight one night, and one girl literally stabbed another in the head and made a huge open wound in the other girl's head with a spiky heel."
A fight between two women at a lower Queen Anne nightclub ended with cuts on one’s head from a high-heel shoe, police said.
Officers were called to the felony assault about 1:45 a.m. May 13 – just about the time of last call. Two officers had to do an extensive area searching before finding the woman who called in the assault near Fifth Avenue and Republican Street, near Seattle Center.
The woman who called police was in the club bathroom when she saw two others arguing. The suspect used her high heel to hit the other twice in the face, causing a 1 1/2-inch cut above her left eye and a 1/4-inch cut on the center of her forehead, according to the incident report.
One of the women was carried out by club security; another was covered in blood as she left the club in the 300 block of Fifth Avenue North, police were told.
A Fire Department crew responded and took the victim to Harborview Medical Center. Police photographed her injuries and referred the case to the City Attorney’s Office, though online court records do not show the suspect has been charged.
A high-heeled shoe became a dangerous weapon early Saturday morning in the hands of a petite Des Moines woman.
Sharron Lynnishe Martin — listed as 4-foot-11, 100 pounds — was arrested after using her footwear to attack a male bouncer and other patrons at Komodo Klub, 214 Third St.
Woman Kills Man with Her High-Heeled Shoe
Mon June 9, 2003 09:38 AM ET
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Add "The Shoe Murder" to the chronicles of New York's crimes of passion.
A stormy relationship ended up on a Brooklyn street in the early hours of Saturday when a 220 pound woman sat on her ex-boyfriend's chest and clubbed him to death with her size 12 high heeled shoe, police said.
Anna Rhinehart, 40, told authorities she attacked Roosevelt Bonds, 51, in self-defense after he punched her in the mouth, knocking out her two front teeth.
The passionate struggle to the death began at 3 a.m. Saturday when Bonds saw Rhinehart at a restaurant with another man, police said.
"There was a dispute between them and the man was struck in the head and body with a blunt instrument," police spokeswoman Det. Carolyn Chew said.
Rhinehart was charged with manslaughter and criminal possession of a weapon. "It was her shoe," Det. Chew said.
A Windom woman was violently assaulted with a high-heeled shoe early Saturday afternoon by an assailant who stole her car keys and car.
The woman had just parked her car on West 56th Street, steps away from Mount Olivet Day Services, and was walking eastbound when an unknown woman approached her from behind and demanded her keys, according to an incident report filed by officers with the Minneapolis Police Department. Rather than giving in to her assailant, the victim fled, yelling for help from anyone around her.
The second woman gave chase, continuing to demand the victim’s keys, and quickly cornered her against a backyard fence a few yards away. She then began striking the victim repeatedly with the point of a high-heeled shoe. The beating proved too much for the victim, and her attacker quickly jumped into the victim’s car and fled the scene.

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